Saturday, January 12, 2008

Type C

Type A personality types tend to be very methodical, schedule driven, organized people. Definitely not me.

Type B personality types tend to be easy going, less schedule driven people. Pretty much me.

However, for the sake of maintaining my 2008 goals, i am classifying myself into a brand spankin' new personality type, Type... *cue drum roll* C!

Type C personalities represent commitment, consistency, and ultimately, completion. For the first time in my life, I want to say I completed my new years resolutions, and actually believe myself. To do so, first I needed to make tangible new years goals. Documented in a simple Excel Sheet (there is also a link in the title,) I have categorized my 2008 new year's resolutions into 5 major aspects of my life that I would like to see positive change in: Health, Creativity and Intellect, Social, Financing and Business, and Career. Each category has its own tab in the Google document, with its own defined goals for the year. The first two columns are filled with gray because I completed making the list yesterday, January 11th. From here on out you can watch as I track resolution progress in the spreadsheet. Future posts will be updates that will detail my up-comings, shortcomings, and over-comings about completing my goals in all areas of my life.

So for today, Type C can also stand for Cheers. Cheers to a new year, and Cheers to my first of many posts!


Anonymous said...

C is for cookie

Cheryl said...

you can't just make up your own personality type!

i do like your resolutions though.

Anonymous said...

I think one of your resolutions should be to go more than 2 months without the P-Units getting mad at you. Ha.