Ninja Warrior!! Hiiii-YAH
Haha, I think having these unnecessarily ridiculous skills would be so awesome. Makoto Nagano has inspired me to push myself to the limits of useless strength and obstacle course skill. But is it REALLY useless? Here are ten reasons why I think ninja skills would be useful:
10 - When someone asks me what I do in my freetime, I can say: "Oh, nothing much. I'm just a ninja on the side."
9 - Kaba Modern might ask me to join their crew to do somersaults. I'm going to do that finger scaling thing with my hands to pass the preliminary tryouts :]
8 - Black makes people look slimmer, its a two birds in one stone: health and style.
7 - The ability to back flip is useful in almost every situation I can think of. Beach, Drunk at Parties, Job Interviews.
6 - Who wouldn't be impressed/dumbfounded if they saw a guy walking around the entire gym on only his hands!?!
5 - I'd be one step closer to being the next Jason Bourne. And folks, that's one step closer to amazing.
4 - I could dunk on 10 foot rim standing at 5'5. Think about it. Yeaaaaaaah...
3 - Imagine what kinda CRAZY things you could do in bed. "So who's gonna upside down tonight baby?
2 - Since I don't have multiple lives like in video games, I need to be fully prepared for any situation that involves running away from:
A) An angry Mob with pitchforks
B) The cops
C) The last girl I tried to spit game at
D) All of the Above
1 - Because I can dress like a ninja on a normal weekday and actually look cool.
4 comments: are a dork! although being a ninja would be pretty cool. great seeing you this weekend honey
wow. I am friends with a HUGE DORK. But then again, it's probably why we're friends cuz I'm a dork too? Bye dreamwhore.
did you photo shop your face into that ninja photo?
Yes, I photoshopped my face on the photo! And No, I have no idea who any of you are!! Stupid anonymous comments :]
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