Thursday, May 8, 2008

I have a blog? What?

Sike. Just to let all 1 of my loyal readersfootnote1 know, I am alive. So what have I been up to? Well, I still try to stick to my resolutions, especially the most important of them all, the ninja one. In terms of the more intellectual categories, I don't really keep up with them as much as I would hope. Some have said that I'm not the intellectual kinda guy... whatever that means.

Okay, so now that all that detailed new years resolution stuff is out of the way, my story of the moment:

So I drive up to my local McDonald's and I order a double cheeseburger with big mac sauce. This little trick is a golden egg that I learned from my friend. One dollar for a delicious and "lower" calorie sandwich that I coined the "little (cambo) mac". I mean... this order kinda goes in line with my losing weight resolutions, at least I didn't order the BIG mac, right? BIG mac is for BIG tummies, heehee :). homo.

Anyway, when I was ordering to the telecomm, I was very polite (with pleases and thankyous.) In fact, I was probably TOO polite and passive, here is why I say that:

Really? Was it that obvious? Well guess what Mcdonalds?
You were so right. And it was so tasty.

I'm not even kidding. They stereotyped me!! Or they just ran out of "special" stickers. For the sake of a gooder story, I'd like to believe the the former.

Well... I thought I actually had a better story than the one I just gave. But I really don't. I ate the sandwich and went on with my merry life and thats about that. I feel like I'm ending my post on a dull note, so here is a random link:


footnote1: Amount of readers figure based on random survey of 1 persons (including me.)

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